Houston Trip Photos

Sloppy Kisses

A poster I did for a show my friends band was having a while back. You can check them out here



Did some posters for my friends site where they pretty much do movie reviews while incorporating them into a story line of there liking. Funny shit to say the least. So you should be seeing those up and around Austin. Also keep an eye out for me popping up in episode 9. Check out there site here

Chainsaw fight!

The Black Lips

This is one of my favorite bands right now. Click the link if you know whats good for you. MU (all three albums in one file) its a .rar file so you will have to download 7-zip.

Still have a couple of mutual slump #1's

I did a new photo zine not that long ago that I still have a couple available for sell. Its 40 pages of all photos i've taken with a silkscreened cover that I designed. contact me if interested at soonzine@gmail.com.

Well here goes nothing.

Until I can get my site up and running I'm going to be posting things here. Mainly it will be pictures and such with the occasional random shit here and there.